DANS Open Access event on October 25, 12:00-13:30

13 september 2016

DANS organizes the Open Access event ‘From concepts to steps’ on 25 October 2016.

This event will take place in the context of the International Open Access Week to be held October 24-30. This year’s theme is Open in Action.

Speakers will be Jan Brase, Head of Research and Development at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Göttingen State and University Library; Peter Doorn, director of DANS and Elly Dijk, Policy advisor DANS/NARCIS and National Open Access Desk.

More information

The Open Access event will take place at DANS in The Hague. For directions to DANS please see our website.

Participation is free and includes lunch. Please register via our online form.

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