
The magazine E-data & Research, available only in Dutch, is full of success stories about sharing and reusing research data. Soon the February issue will be delivered, this edition is already available via

Together with head researcher Gemma Blok and the Poppi Museum, DANS starts the project Tales from the Drug Closet. In this project, stories about personal experiences with drug use are collected through an online environment.

As of January 18th 2022, SSHOC has launched the SSH Open Marketplace. It is a discovery platform for resources relevant to academics, scholars, and students of the social sciences and humanities. The range of covered resources spans from tools and services, training materials, datasets, publications and workflows.

DANS is a partner in the 4CH project, an international consortium of 19 partners working on the creation of a competence centre for the preservation, conservation and valorisation of cultural heritage. The use of 3D visualisation plays an important role in this.

On 26 January 2022, the public meeting of the FAIRsFAIR Final Event 2022 took place. During this session, representatives from FAIRsFAIR will debate on the core aspects of implementing FAIR with outstanding representatives of the European and international research community.

During the Public Event of FAIRsFAIR on 26 January, Ingrid Dillo, Deputy Director at DANS and coordinator of FAIRsFAIR, and William Kilbride, Executive Director at Digital Preservation Coalition, discussed why long-term preservation is important in relation to FAIR. The blog about the debate is now online.

As is well known, Universities of the Netherlands (UNL) established a working group Responsible Management of Research Information and Data (RMRID) in the early 2020s. The working group recommended the construction of a so-called Open Knowledge Base (OKB) for research information, which largely fulfils the same function as NARCIS.

The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Association was founded in 2020 and aims at advancing Open Science in Europe. In order to coordinate and steer the implementation of the EOSC, community based Advisory Groups and corresponding Task Forces covering key areas of implementation have been created.