
The datasets Dutch Parliamentary Election Study 2021 (DPES/NKO 2021) and Dutch Ethnic Minority Study 2021 (DEMES 2021) are available through DANS.

The ODISSEI Microdata Access Grant (MAG) Call 2022 is now open. The grant is intended for researchers employed at participating ODISSEI organisations.

The article “From Disparate Disciplines to Unity in Diversity: How the PARTHENOS Project Has Brought European Humanities Research Infrastructures Together” was recently published. DANS Data Station Managers Femmy Admiraal (Humanities) and Hella Hollander (Archaeology) contributed to this article.

FAIR-Aware presents some useful guidance on how to make data FAIR. This can be especially useful in the planning phase when writing your Data Management Plan (DMP). FAIRsFAIR has published a guidance document that you can use to plan for FAIR data.

A milestone in the Netherlands: national portal NARCIS gives access to over 1 million scientific open access publications!

From February 2020 until January 2022, the FAIRsFAIR Repository Support Programme ran. In this Programme, 10 repositories were supported to apply for CoreTrustSeal certification. After the completion of the Programme, the repositories’ experiences and advice are shared in a three-part blog series.

Alex Brandsen of the Faculty of Archaeology of the University of Leiden developed a search engine called AGNES, which searches very precisely through thousands of archaeological reports. His PhD defence took place on 15 February 2022.

DANS Data Trail 29-03

On Tuesday, March 29, 15:30 – 17:00 CET, the (online) DANS Data Trail Workshop: “Data Management Tools for Archaeologists – How can the European ARIADNEplus Project help you?” will take place.