
On February 3, a dialogue will be organised on the development of a framework of principles and guidelines for the establishment of a South African Open Science Cloud (SAOSC). On behalf of DANS, Ingrid Dillo and Louise Bezuidenhout will share their expertise.

On 8 February the online meeting ‘RDA in the Netherlands’ will be organised by LCRDM, SURF and DANS. It is meant to connect those in the Netherlands who are active and/or interested in RDA International.

The Polifonia project has released a video introducing the nine experts of the Polifonia team, including Andrea Scharnhorst (DANS).

The book “The Trouble with Big Data” (Jennifer Edmond, Nicola Horsley, Jörg Lehmann, Mike Priddy) explores the challenges that our society faces with big data.

Within the Levend Verleden route of the Dutch Research Agenda (NWA), several interesting funding opportunities have opened up. These are the call for Small Projects and the call within the programme line Research along Routes by Consortia.

E-RIHS is working hard to realise its ambition to develop a European infrastructure that provides access to international laboratory facilities, research data and a network of knowledge and expertise. Within the Dutch E-RIHS infrastructure, DANS contributes to the FAIRification of the Dutch data landscape using a needs analysis.

On January 13th, 2022, DANS played a central role in the workshop co-organised by FAIRsFAIR, SSHOC, and EOSC-Nordic regarding the creation and facilitation of a European network of FAIR-enabling Trustworthy Digital Repositories (TDRs). The workshop provided interesting insights into the next steps towards the creation of this network.

Last week, the European Commission awarded an amount of 10 million euros to a consortium that will implement the FAIR principles in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). The project, in which 28 partners from 10 European member states work together, will be led by DANS deputy director Dr. Ingrid Dillo. It will start on May 1, 2022 and will run for three years.