PARTHENOS connects European humanities research infrastructures

23 February 2022

The article “From Disparate Disciplines to Unity in Diversity: How the PARTHENOS Project Has Brought European Humanities Research Infrastructures Together” was recently published. DANS Data Station Managers Femmy Admiraal (Humanities) and Hella Hollander (Archaeology) contributed to this article.

Together with colleagues from national research organisations, cultural heritage institutions and other European research infrastructures, they showcase the cluster project PARTHENOS. The article highlights the pooled services and shared solutions developed for humanities researchers, RI managers and policymakers.

The article reflects on how the different disciplines within the humanities collaborate and exchange knowledge: “In a time where the convergence of existing infrastructure is becoming ever more important – with the construction of a European Open Science Cloud as an audacious, ultimate goal – we hope that our experiences inform future work and provide inspiration on how to exploit synergies in interdisciplinary, transnational, scientific cooperation.”


PARTHENOS (Pooling Activities, Resources and Tools for E-Heritage Research Networking Optimization and Synergies) was an interdisciplinary project that connects various existing European infrastructures and projects to optimise the use of resources by researchers in the field of language, cultural heritage, history and archaeology.

DANS worked on the harmonisation of research data management within the various disciplines and the certification of its repositories, among other things as work package leader Common Policies and Strategies. Furthermore, DANS is one of the 15 partners involved in the project.

More information

Read the full article here.

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Hella Hollander M.A.

Data Station Manager Archaeology