
Searching through millions of old handwritten pages in just a few minutes? Make the past transparent in an innovative way? This is possible with open data.

DANS Data Trail 29-03

On Tuesday, March 29, 2022, the DANS Data Trail Data Management Tools for Archaeologists took place online. During the workshop, we zoomed in on the ARIADNEplus tool, which helps archaeologists create a data management plan. We take you through the highlights of this workshop.

Save the Ukraine Monuments 4CH

DANS is partner in the 4CH project, which initiated SUM – Save the Ukraine Monuments. SUM was launched to transfer the digital documentation of Ukraine’s cultural heritage to secure servers in the EU. We started in silence, but now it is high time to let everyone know what is being done.

DANS Data Trail 21-04

On Thursday, April 21, between 15:30 and 17:00 CET, the DANS Data Trail Event: “Explore new tools for your FAIR toolkit” will take place.

A black microphone against a blue background.

DANS has launched a survey in the framework of the consortium to map out the Dutch heritage sciences. We invite members of the network to fill out the survey and to share their needs regarding the network.

CLARIAH has launched the Fellowship Call 2022. Applications for a Research Fellowship or Teaching Fellowship are due 1 November 2022.

After postponing the Transnational Access (TNA) programme for the past two years, the ARIADNEplus project has resumed the TNA for 2022. The project will organise four Summer Schools. It is possible to apply until 25 March.

During the SSHOC Final Conference, which takes place on 6 and 7 April, you will be challenged to participate in the online SSHOC’n Tell Challenge. You can register until 29 March.