The CLARIAH-PLUS project develops the Dutch research infrastructure for the humanities, as part of the European CLARIN and DARIAH research infrastructures. The CLARIAH infrastructure consists of a wide variety of tools, services and datasets: generic infrastructure services (a.o. login, workspace), structured data, textual and audio-visual collections, and software applications and services that can be applied to these collections (a.o. search, analysis, annotation, enrichment, conversion, and visualization).
CLARIAH-PLUS encompasses a wide range of humanities disciplines, including linguistics, social economic history, media studies, literary studies, religious studies, philosophy and cultural history.
Research and Teaching Fellowships
In order to further improve the infrastructure, the CLARIAH Board wants to encourage the use of the infrastructure and to collect requirements based on actual use in research and teaching. To that end, CLARIAH opens a fellowship call. Two kinds of fellowship are distinguished: Research Fellowships and Teaching Fellowships.
More information
More information is available on the CLARIAH website.
Image: Fresco depicting the School of Aristotle by Gustav Adolph Spangenberg, ca 1883-1888. Source: CLARIAH.