11 May 2020
Social Sciences and Humanities Archaeology Life Sciences Physical and Technical Sciences
FAIR and Open data Collaborations Training & Outreach
From the 26th to the 28th of February thirty training coordinators met in The Hague for a highly collaborative workshop on training in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). The report has recently been published via Zenodo.
7 May 2020
Social Sciences and Humanities Archaeology Life Sciences Physical and Technical Sciences
The jury of the Dutch Data Prize 2020 is complete and will be chaired by Rector Magnificus Emeritus of TU Delft Prof. dr. ir. Karel Luyben.
4 May 2020
Social Sciences and Humanities Archaeology Life Sciences Physical and Technical Sciences
FAIR and Open data Collaborations Training & Outreach
The virtual workshop of FAIRsFAIR is currently running. It takes place from April 29 until June 11.
1 May 2020
Social Sciences and Humanities
ODISSEI (Open Data Infrastructure for Social Science and Economic Innovations) is one of the seven major scientific infrastructures that receive funding from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) as part of the Dutch Roadmap for Large-Scale Scientific Infrastructures.
28 April 2020
Social Sciences and Humanities EASY
The dataset “Census registers 1849 Leiden” is now available in EASY. The dataset is part of the Leiden Historical Population Databank 1700-1850.
24 April 2020
Social Sciences and Humanities
Collaborations Training & Outreach
SSHOC has created a collection of teaching materials and train-the-trainer resources for use by trainers in the social sciences and humanities.
15 April 2020
Social Sciences and Humanities
RDM Collaborations Training & Outreach
The event Food for psychologists will take place on September 3th. Due to the circumstances of COVID-19, the organisation might decide to make this an online event.
2 April 2020
Social Sciences and Humanities
Collaborations Training & Outreach
For trainers active in the Social Sciences and Humanities the SSHOC project has launched a community network in September 2019. The community activities have now kicked off with a first online meeting.