New date Food for psychologists: September 3th

15 April 2020

The event Food for psychologists will take place on September 3th. Due to the circumstances of COVID-19, the organisation might decide to make this an online event.

On September 3, 2020, DANS and the LCRDM organize “Food for Psychologists”, an event specifically for researchers in psychology, with tools, tips and tricks in the field of Research Data Management and data sharing.

In addition to the keynotes of prof. Dr. Andrea Evers and prof. Dr. Jelte Wichters, participants can join in on various workshops and attend pecha kucha talks. Topics covered during the day are: the GDPR and Open Science, and sharing fMRI data and audiovisual data. A Network Plaza offers the attendees to engage in a dialogue with each other.

More information

We look forward to meeting you on September 3! Attending the day is free, registration is required via the online registration form. More information about the day and the program can be found on the event page.

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