
DANS is accepted unconditionally as Regular Member of the International Council for Science – World Data System (ICSU-WDS). With this certification WDS sees DANS as a trustworthy party in terms of authenticity, integrity, confidentiality and availability of data and services.

Today, the Research Data Journal for the Humanities and Social Sciences is launched. It is a new, peer reviewed, online-only, open-access data journal.

Mendeley launched a new data repository platform: Mendeley Data ( The data submitted by researchers on this platform will be included in the long-term archive of DANS.

The yearly conference of the European Network KNOWeSCAPE will be held from 7 till 9 October. The theme of this third conference is ‘From Data to Knowledge – Measuring, Predicting and Visualizing Science’.

The national website on open access has been completely revamped. It now has a new, up-to-date look and is more interactive. provides information in both Dutch and English about key open access developments in the Netherlands. The site also presents general up-to-date information on open access, a subject that is important for scholarship at home and abroad.

ICSU World Data System (ICSU-WDS) has recently appointed a new Scientific Committee for the period 2015-2018. It involves eight new members, including Ingrid Dillo of DANS.

The Mundaneum recently interviewed professor Katy Borner, visiting fellow of DANS, about her latest book ‘Atlas of Knowledge’. Together with Katy Borner Dr. Andrea Scharnhorst and Dr. Almila Akdag discuss what visuals can do for the understanding of science.

Please note that not all news items are translated into English. Please visit the Dutch page of this website for all news items. If you have any questions, please contact us via .