
On September 27 and 28, a new colloquium will be organized by DANS’ Research & Innovation Group. Please submit your paper before July 31.

On October the 29th a workshop on ‘Research Objects’ will be organized in Amsterdam. Interested scientists and related professionals are invited to vocalise their thoughts on this data approach and submit an abstract or paper before the 1st of July.

On 28 March 2018, the EASY online archiving system of DANS received CoreTrustSeal (CTS) certification. CTS is an international quality mark for data repositories focussed on sustainability, reliability and accessibility.

This year the Dutch Data Prize will be awarded for the fifth time, to a researcher or research group that has made a special contribution to science by making research data accessible for new or additional research.

On 26 January 2018, the kick-off meeting took place about GO TRAIN, one of three GO FAIR pillars.

Obtaining a Data Seal of Approval (DSA) provides 7 benefits according to the DSA-organization. But do users also experience these benefits? The IJDC peer-reviewed paper ‘The Perceived Value of Acquiring Data Seals of Approval’ confirms: DSA delivers what they promise.

Extended guidance for the new certification for data repositories, CoreTrustSeal (CTS), has recently become available.

The European Multi Stakeholder Platform (MSP), an expert advisory group of the European Commission in the field of ICT standardisation, has advised in favour of several technical specifications submitted by the Research Data Alliance (RDA).