
George Bray (Robert Gordon University) and Valerie McCutcheon (University of Glasgow) have announced the second iteration of their informal “Research Support Games Day”. It will be happening online on Tuesday 8th December 2020, 11:00 – 18.10 CET (10:00-17:10 GMT

A total of 21 consortia will work as teams on interdisciplinary research that will bring scientific and societal breakthroughs within reach. One of the projects receive funding in the second round of the Dutch Research Agenda Programme: Research along Routes by Consortia (NWA-ORC) is: Looking for the limes: the Romans in the Netherlands. DANS is one of the partners in this consortium.

With attention to differences between Open and FAIR data and the new Incentive Award, the 2020 Dutch Data Prize event showcased six open and inspiring datasets while giving recognition to the ‘behind the scenes’ efforts required to achieve the FAIR data principles.

Open Science is a movement that aims to increase open and participatory research practices in which publications, data, software and other types of academic information are shared at the earliest possible stage and made available for reuse. Open Science generates more impact, on both science and society. NWO’s aim is to ensure that all research funded by NWO is openly accessible. NWO beliefs in Open Science, DANS underlines this statement.

Via the scholarly portal NARCIS you now have access to more than 300,000 datas ets in Dutch archives. Almost 295,000 data sets are open data or open after login.

Via DataverseNL, researchers can safely store, publish and share their data with other researchers. The website has recently been renewed, making the information about DataverseNL clearer and more accessible.

November 5th is World Digital Preservation Day. Worldwide, archives, museums, libraries and other (heritage) institutions will pay attention to make digital collections permanently accessible.

The 16th plenary meeting of the Research Data Alliance will take place 9-12 November 2020. The theme of this plenary meeting is “Knowledge ecology”. DANS is also involved.