
On January 14, 2021 the kick-off of the new research project Polifonia took place, financed by the EU Horizon 2020 programme. DANS is responsible for the Data Management Plan within the project.

On 1 April 2021, NWO and ZonMw will become members of Europe PMC (PubMed Central), an open science platform that maintains a worldwide collection of scientific articles and other research output.

On 8 and 11 February, SSHOC and DARIAH-ERIC organise an interactive bootcamp on Research Data Management (RDM). DANS participates in the SSHOC project within the Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA).

DANS can now call itself an official member of the EOSC Association. On December 17 last, the first General Assembly of the members and observers of the new EOSC Association took place. This association succeeds the temporary EOSC governance.

On 8 January 2021, the article “Connected Research: The Potential of the PID Graph” was published in the open access journal Patterns (Cell Press). DANS staff members Ricarda Braukmann and René van Horik were co-authors of the article.

On Tuesday 2 March, Kathleen Gregory, researcher and PhD candidate at DANS, will defend her PhD at Maastricht University.

As part of OpenAIRE’s Good Practice Exchange Programme, DANS will give an online workshop on 18 January 2021. The workshop is offered to twelve National Open Access Desks (NOADs), each representing their own country in the field of Open Science.

A news article has been published in OpenAIRE by Ellen Leenarts (DANS) as part of the Taskforce Research Management (RDM). The Taskforce RDM is led by DANS.