New in EASY: Pupils of the Amsterdam Maritime Institute 1792-1943

25 January 2021

The database “Pupils of the Amsterdam Maritime Institute 1792-1943” is available via EASY. The file contains data on recruits of the Maritime Institute during the period 1792-1943.

The dataset is largely based on the Archives of the Vaderlandsch Fonds ter Aanmoediging van ‘s Lands Zeedienst. It consists of personal pages that were kept for each student. The data are linked to conscription registers and letters of application. In addition, data are available on each student regarding height, parental mortality, religion, smallpox vaccination, place of birth and socio-economic background.

More information

Want to know more about the dataset “Pupils of the Amsterdam Maritime Institute 1792-1943”? Please contact (Radboud University Nijmegen). For questions about depositing data in EASY, please contact

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