

How do I do better research? How does open science work? What is the European Open Science Cloud and why does it matter? These questions will be answered in the course ‘Bringing synergy to research and data management in Europe’ by EOSC Synergy.

The European Research Council (ERC) has recently updated their information on Open Research Data and Research Data Management Plans (RDMPs). Anyone who receives a grant from the ERC is bound by their policy on Open Science.

Recently, DANS managed to renew the CoreTrustSeal for another three years. With the certification of its digital archive, DANS is one of the first organisations worldwide with a renewed certification.

In 2020, 85 percent of the publications resulting from NWO funded research were Open Access. For ZonMw, this percentage is 83 percent. These are the findings from the biennial Open Access Monitor carried out by CWTS (Centre for Science and Technology Studies) at the request from NWO.


The project combines perspectives and methods from Science & Technology Studies and Computer Science to investigate how graphs related to climate change and COVID-19 are made and understood by both researchers and the public. It is funded by the Vienna Science and Technology Fund.

The Dutch minister for Education, Culture and Science has received the new Roadmap for Large-Scale Scientific Infrastructure 2021. In the new Roadmap, nine Groups representing the Dutch research field present their proposals for investment in large-scale scientific infrastructure for the next ten years. These research infrastructures have the highest priority for science in the Netherlands and may qualify for NWO funding.

‘SUPER DADA’ stands for Script for Updating Electronic Records: From Dataverse to CESSDA. It is a script to make Dataverse-produced metadata compliant with the CESSDA Data Catalogue.