
Do you manage datasets that require access restrictions? Who would be allowed to access these data? Under what conditions do you grant access? ODISSEI and DANS have designed a survey that aims to find out more about common practices in selecting and managing data access restrictions, and their underlying motivations. We would really appreciate your input!

Often valuable datasets contain personal data, like many of the Oral History interviews stored at DANS. For such datasets data owners may want to restrict the access to control who can reuse the data and for what purpose. But what are the considerations and how do you document the access process? We have created an easy guide to help you with this. 

To protect archaeological heritage, the European Archaeological Council (EAC) has published archival guidelines for archaeologists.

Last month, I had the pleasure to give the opening keynote at the 18th edition of the International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC24) in Edinburgh. One of the many concerns of this age is the ability to trust information around us. Transparency is one way to promote trust, and in this sense the conference theme ‘Trust through Transparency’ struck me as both timely and relevant.

It is DANS’ mission to support you in making your data FAIR. We have therefore collected a number of frequently asked questions (FAQ) and published them on our website.

On 6 March 2024, MLCommons (an Artificial Intelligence engineering consortium) announced the release of Croissant, a metadata format to help standardise machine learning (ML) datasets. The aim of Croissant is to make datasets easily discoverable and usable across tools and platforms. This is highly relevant in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) tasks on FAIR data sustainability and important for Linked Data in general.

On 20 and 21 February, the QUANTUM project kicked-off in Brussels to officially launch the start of this EU-funded data project. Within the scope of the European Health Data Space, QUANTUM will develop a quality and utility label for health data, to be used by organisations generating and hosting health data, as well as organisations providing access to health data.

Maastricht University (UM) is one of twenty- two users of DANS’ DataverseNL. The Coordinator Data Stewardship Services of the Maastricht University Library, Pedro V Hernández Serrano, recently posted the blog ‘DataverseNL: a data repository platform available to Maastricht University researchers, fostering FAIR data practices’ which we happily share.