
On World Digital Preservation Day we celebrate all things to do with digital preservation across the world. This year, the day’s theme is Preserving Our Digital Content: Celebrating Communities. We want to celebrate today by shining some light on the recent community-driven developments in the way repositories are defined and described. On this topic, the UK Data Service has written a blog for the Digital Preservation Coalition in collaboration with the CoreTrustSeal Board, of which DANS is also a member. In this post, we highlight the blog discussion and bring it to our own audience, also in a Dutch translation, to bridge the gap between the international and national community.

The European Language Social Science Thesaurus (ELSST) is a broad-based, multilingual thesaurus for the social sciences. The latest version of the ELSST was released in September 2024. Discover some of the key changes here.

On Thursday 17 October 2024, the Dutch Data Prize was awarded to the three winning datasets of this eighth edition of the prestigious award. Out of 52 nominations, three datasets excelled most in terms of findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability (FAIR). 

Over the past four years, an open source AI model that can recognise and count some 50 species of wildflowers has been developed by Fontys University of Applied Sciences. The Eindhoven Wildflower Dataset serves as the basis for this model and is open access available.

On 17 October, the Dutch Data Prize 2024 will be awarded during the FAIR-IMPACT National Roadshow in The Hague. From the 52 submitted datasets, the jury has selected the final three candidates in each of the categories; Social Sciences & Humanities, Life Sciences & Health, and Natural & Engineering Sciences. These nine finalists have a chance to win the Dutch Data Prize 2024 and a cash prize of €3,500, intended to make their dataset even more FAIR.

ODISSEI has released a new version of the ODISSEI Portal. In the Portal you can find more than 8.500 social science datasets available across key data providers in the Netherlands, including CBS, LISS, DANS, IISG, and the institutes affiliated with DataverseNL. 

The Association of Dutch Building archaeologists (Bond van Nederlandse Bouwhistorici) has taken action to permanently archive building archaeological reports and make them accessible. In collaboration with DANS, a manual has been drawn up for depositing data in the Data Station Archaeology. This manual is now in use and has already produced more than 500 reports in a short time.

The why, what, and how of de-identifying research data. In a new blog post on the ODISSEI blog, Deborah Thorpe (Research Data Management Expert at DANS) and Ricarda Braukmann (Data Station Manager at DANS) look at the need for de-identifying data. They give insights on why you would need to de-identify data, what ‘anonymisation’ is and how you can de-identify by exploring a number of tools available.