
On 22 October, the fourth edition of the National Open Science Festival will take place at Maastricht University. The festival will be a gathering for and by the Open Science community, with opportunities to (re)connect with each other and a variety of interactive sessions. DANS will host two sessions that day.

On June 6th, DANS organised the online workshop ‘BY-COVID Spring 2024 Baseline Use Case Workshop: Integration of individual-level socioeconomic data for infectious diseases research and prevention in Europe’, together with BY-COVID project partners IACS and Sciensano

CoreTrustSeal is looking for new members for the 2024-2027 CoreTrustSeal board. If your organisation is a member of the CoreTrustSeal Assembly of Reviewers you are eligible to nominate a candidate for the board. Nominations must be made before September 1st, 2024. 

The question of who ‘owns’ or is responsible for research data is regularly raised. The recently released LCRDM report ‘Data Sovereignty, Data Governance and Digital Sovereignty’ provides insight into this topic and offers tools and recommendations to navigate its complexity.

2024 marks the 10th anniversary of the Digital Research Infrastructure for Arts and Humanities (DARIAH) becoming a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC). To mark this occasion, a video has been made looking back at important milestones and achievements of this first decade and looking forward to DARIAH’s second decade.

The online archiving system EASY, which was affected by a data breach, has been accessible again since 31 July. It is clear now that there have been no downloads from EASY and the DANS Data Stations of non-public datasets containing the leaked account credentials. EASY can be safely used again.

It is still possible to nominate your own dataset or a dataset from an individual or research group for the RDNL Dutch Data Prize 2024. The deadline for nominations has been moved to Friday 30 August.

The DARIAH Theme is a thematic funding call launched every two years, chosen for investment by the DARIAH Board of Directors. The idea is to stimulate activities and events related to a topic important to digitally enabled research in the arts and humanities. For 2024, they have chosen the topic of Mistakes.