
Digital technology is rapidly developing in current society. NWO publishes 3 calls on digitalisation of the Social Sciences and Humanities domain.

The DANS R&D colloquium is a meeting place for researchers, archivists and ICT specialists. Organized by DANS, its focus is on research data and what you can do with it. It will take place on March 21st, at 15:00.

DANS organises a workshop on sustainable software sustainability, in cooperation with SSI(UK) and the eScience Center. The workshop will be held from the 24th until the 26th of April.

On February 14, DANS organised an open day on Open Science, Researchdatamanagement, data-archiving, and data re-use. The event was a collaborative effort of the young academy (Jonge Akademie KNAW), Promovendi Netwerk Nederland, the RDA National Node, and the European project OpenAIRE. More than a 100 people visited the information market and participated in open discussions, making the day a huge success.

The sociology section of the Radboud University Nijmegen has been conducting research on sociocultural developments in the Netherlands (SOCON) for 40 years.

Research funding organisations, research organisations, and individual researchers have different needs and requirements when it comes to research data management (RDM). Science Europe’s latest publication, the ‘Practical Guide to the International Alignment of Research Data Management’, aims to align these RDM requirements across research funding and research organisations in Europe.

B2Find is a European dataservice, part of the European Open Science Cloud, that allows its users to discover data collections within an international and interdisciplinary scope. At this moment, B2FIND consists of over 750.000 datasets from a large variety of scientific disciplines.

Read the success stories about sharing and reusing data in the latest E-data & Research. In this issue: digging through the archives of ‘Omrop Frylân’, an interview with Herbert Van de Sompel, new Chief Innovation Officer at DANS since January 1st, and an article on the winners of the Dutch Data Prize 2018.