Social Sciences and HumanitiesArchaeologyLife SciencesPhysical and Technical Sciences
FAIR and Open dataCollaborationsTraining & Outreach
The EOSC FAIR Working Group is tasked to provide recommendations on metrics to assess FAIR data in EOSC. A second draft of the report is released to gather community comments. You can provide feedback until November 6.
Social Sciences and HumanitiesArchaeologyLife SciencesPhysical and Technical Sciences
FAIR and Open dataRDMCollaborationsTraining & Outreach
On the 18th of November, the Dutch Data Prize will be awarded to a researcher or research group who makes extra contributions to science by making research data available for (additional) research. In order to win this prize, researchers can nominate themselves or another researcher or research group.
Social Sciences and HumanitiesArchaeologyLife SciencesPhysical and Technical SciencesEASY
FAIR and Open dataCollaborationsTraining & Outreach
The Open Access Week 2020 is held October 19-25. This year’s theme is: “Open with Purpose: Taking Action to Build Structural Equity and Inclusion.” On October 22, ORCID, SURF, DANS and FREYA organise a PIDs quiz.