
In modern data-driven research, software is an important element of the scientific output. However, research software does still not receive the recognition it deserves. With the help of many colleagues and external specialists, a group of like-minded Dutch researchers and data specialist published a position paper underlining the importance of research software and the recognition it should receive by funders and research institutes.

The second video of the DANS Data Stories series can now be found online. In this series, we ask those involved about their answers and experiences with regard to sharing and reusing research data.

On September 10, 2020, DANS, together with the Koninklijke Bibliotheek (KB) and the Library of Leiden University (UL), organized an online event on the exchange of data in the field of research information. With over 70 participants, the workshop was a success.

In a short video, Emilie Kraaikamp (DANS, Advisor for legal affairs) talks about the practical aspects of sharing personal research data. The video also discusses archiving research data at DANS and sharing this data.

DANS is working on an online self-assessment tool for users to teach them about FAIR data usage and to increase general awareness.

This fall, Research Data Netherlands (RDNL), Digital Curation Centre (DCC) and the University of Edinburgh organize the online course ‘Delivering Research Data Management Services’ for the third time. The MOOC starts on October 5th.

The autumn course Essentials 4 Data Support is an introductory course for those who (want to) support researchers in storing, managing, archiving and sharing their research data.

At the end of April 2019, DANS, the Software Sustainability Institute (UK) and the Netherlands eScience Center, organized their third workshop on the sustainability of software. The Workshop on Sustainable Software Sustainability focused on everyone who makes, purchases or maintains software, in particular in science and the heritage sector. The report of this workshop was recently published.