National workshop on research informatie a great success

22 September 2020

On September 10, 2020, DANS, together with the Koninklijke Bibliotheek (KB) and the Library of Leiden University (UL), organized an online event on the exchange of data in the field of research information. With over 70 participants, the workshop was a success.

In the presentation by Inge Hofsink (KB) and Chris Baars (DANS), feedback from the renewed WISH / metadata working group regarding the DIDL / MODS agreements was provided. This was followed by a presentation by Jasper Faase (KB), in which a text proposal for a new KB collaboration agreement and institutional repositories on depositing works in the e-Depot was explained and discussed. Rutger de Jong (UL) discussed the use of the OpenDOAR policy template for developing policy with regard to the UL repository. The morning part was concluded with a presentation by Martine Teirlinck-Hermsen (HKI) about the possible extension of the HBO Knowledge Base to a Higher Education Knowledge Base.

In the afternoon session, Herbert Van de Sompel (DANS) discussed the need for the proper functioning of a long-term PID infrastructure and what this involves. This was followed by a lively panel discussion in which, in addition to Van de Sompel, also Peter Verhaar (UL) and Ricarda Braukmann (DANS / FREYA) took part.

Finally, Oscar Veltink (UL) offered that the Library of Leiden University would re-host the next National Workshop Research Information in 2021, but (hopefully) as an F2F event.

Additional information

The presentations can be found on the page of the event on the website of DANS.

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