
We’re pleased to announce that DANS will be hosting the position of ‘RDA in The Netherlands Community Development Manager 2025 – 2026’. Kim Ferguson (she/her) of DANS’ Expert Section will be taking on this role until the end of 2026. 

This is an image of the Pure 3D logo. You see the words Pure a three and the letter D.

DANS recently published the guidebook ‘Making 3D Scholarly Editions Reusable: A step-by-step guide for depositing FAIR 3DSEs’. The report guides researchers to make their 3DSEs FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable), and to deposit them within the DANS Data Stations or other repositories, and sets out best practices in this area for 3DSEs. 

From 1 March, the KNAW Humanities Cluster has been using the research data repository DataverseNL, followed by Zuyd University of Applied Sciences from 1 April. This brings the number of participating institutes to twenty-two.

We welcome you to register for two workshops this spring, each covering different aspects of the topic of hard-to-share in the social sciences and humanities. 

Since the publication of our guide Making Qualitative Data Reusable in early 2023, the  Short Guidebook For Researchers And Data Stewards Working With Qualitative Data has been viewed over 12.000 times. We want your feedback to improve and update this guide.

A newly-published data paper in the themed journal issue on ‘Ampifying GLAM collections’ presents a rich overview of the ‘First-Hand Accounts of War: War Letters (1935-1950) from NIOD Digitised’ dataset in the DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH). Read all about the dataset, the methods for data curation and sharing and its reuse potential.

Our Data Station Archaeology has been recognised in a recent study as one of four repositories that meet theEssential readiness level’ within the European Open Science requirements. This recognition highlights DANS’s commitment to advancing open and FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) data management for archaeological research.  

How can we best organise collaboration in the ever-expanding research landscape under the paradigm of Open Science? This is a central question for both researchers and those who support them. An international model for Global Open Research Commons will help.