Doing (survey) research and non-response (unfortunately) go hand in hand. When we talk about (actual) non-response, we are talking about people who can participate in research, but choose not to. During this day, we reflect on non-response. How big is the non-response problem? What causes non-response? And what can we do about it before, during and after data collection? This day will be held in Dutch.

RDA in Netherlands (RDA-NL), the Dutch community of the Research Data Alliance (RDA), welcomes you to an in-person meet-up in The Hague. The meeting is for members as well as interested non-members, and aims to bring people together to shape the future aims and activities of RDA-NL over lunch.

Discover Clariah's interdisciplinary impact in the humanities! Join to learn, train, and engage with hands-on sessions exploring Clariah-Plus products. Use INEO portal tools and gain insights into establishing the Clariah-NL consortium organisation. Attendance is free, but registration is required.

The SICSS instructional program will involve lectures, group problem sets, and interactive work sessions. There will also be outside speakers who conduct computational social science research in a variety of settings, such as academia, industry, and government. Topics covered include text as data, website scraping, digital field experiments, machine learning, and ethics.

Skyline of Lisbon with the text "DARIAH Annual Event 2024 | June 18-21, Lisbon, Portugal"

This conference provides ideal opportunities for scholarly exchange between researchers in digital arts and humanities, cultural heritage as well as computer, information and data sciences. This edition will focus on the technical, methodological, infrastructural, and conceptual challenges of designing, implementing and sharing digitally-enabled workflows.

We believe that our services could be useful to the consortiums planning to submit a NWA-ORC proposal. In this session, we present the DANS services in the light of the NWA-ORC. We invite researchers from all disciplines involved in one or more of the NWA-ORC routes to join this event.

DANS will have again the students from the honors programme of Trent Hil, from the iSchool, University of Washington, Seattle. This programme will be held in collaboration with faculty and professionals from several Dutch academic, research, and cultural organisation.

This webinar, organised by the Polifonia project and supported by EuropeanaTech, will share the results of the multi-faceted music heritage data project, and will highlight some of the components that promote research and innovation in musicology, digital humanities, heritage preservation and education.