This virtual plenary will focus on collaboration and engagement with RDA's global community through the sharing of local experiences, best practices and recommendations. Individuals and groups at all stages of their careers are invited to contribute to the discussions, meet data professionals, and get involved in the RDA community.

At the end of this workshop, you will be able to evaluate and improve the reusability of qualitative data at all stages of the research data life cycle. You will have a rich toolbelt to your disposal when facing the challenges you may encounter when working with qualitative data. This workshop is part of the DCC Spring Training Days and suitable for researchers and research support staff, focused on beginners to the topic.

Philosophy of science and quantitative science studies (scientometrics and bibliometrics) are currently separate fields with limited interactions. However, they share numerous research objects and areas of potential common interest. DANS'er Andrea Schanhorst will give a session entitled 'Measuring a moving target - Innovation studies in practice' on the emergence of new intermediaries and new levels of coordination. One of these are research infrastructures. Their role has changed from purely supportive, e.g. responding to new technologies needed to carry out research activities to increasingly co-creators in the knowledge production process.

Bridging the gap between research and technology, fostering quality and collaboration, and enhancing transparency and accessibility in research form the core principles of the approach of SURF. DANS is hosting multiple sessions at this event.

Governing technology, research and innovation for a better world is the them of the EU-SPRI Annual Conference. The international consortium European Forum for Studies of Policies for Research and Innovation (Eu-SPRI Forum) is organising a track around topics related to "The Present and Future Organization and Governance of European Research Infrastructures", were the function and future of Research Infrastructures as support layers for academia will be discussed from political, social, economics, and science of science perspective. DANS is proudly part of the organisers.

This event will focus on legislative implications and innovation opportunities for research following the introduction of the European Data Governance Act and Data Act. It will explore how these two acts will influence the secure sharing of sensitive data. The event addresses questions such as the definition of a data altruism organization, the possibility of enforcing data sharing among companies, and the necessary infrastructure for facilitating sensitive data exchange. This meeting will be held in Dutch.

This workshop focusing on Integration of individual-level socioeconomic data for infectious diseases research and prevention in Europe. The baseline use case is prototyping a workflow standard for population health research. The workflow provides a structured process for causal inference based on real-world observational data to respond to policy-relevant questions. As places are limited, registration is mandatory.

Join the 20 years celebration of the Places & Spaces: Mapping Science exhibit! The exhibit is curated at CNS and has traveled the globe showcasing best examples of information visualisation. Enjoy remarks from the exhibition curators, presentations from teams whose works have been selected for inclusion in the exhibit this year, and the opportunity to try out a data visualisation in VR.