The FAIR-IMPACT kick-off meeting (KoM) is a milestone of high importance for the implementation of the project. It provides the space and means of sharing information between the consortium, in order for the partners to achieve a common understanding, discuss the aspirations, challenges and workplan, and officially kickstart the project work. Guest speakers included representatives of the European Commission, the EOSC Association and the FAIRCore4EOSC project, which had its KoM right after the FAIR-IMPACT project on the same location. Read more on this collaboration in this shared press release.
FAIR-IMPACT in a nutshell
The FAIR-IMPACT project has as its main objective to expand FAIR solutions across the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), building on the legacy of the FAIRsFAIR project and other relevant initiatives. It will do so by identifying those practices, policies, tools and technical specifications that will guide a wide range of stakeholders towards a FAIR data management cycle in the context of the EOSC. Placing the focus on persistent identifiers (PIDs), metadata, ontologies, metrics, certification and interoperability, the FAIR-IMPACT project will enable adoption and implementation through four support tiers: integrated use cases across four scientific domains (social sciences and humanities, photon and neutron sciences, life sciences and agri-food, and environmental sciences), cascading grants, in-kind support programs and provision of assessment frameworks and examples, and supporting EOSC-readiness through harmonisation. These solutions will enable repository managers, research performing organisations, funders and policy makers to support FAIR data management, and researchers and citizen scientists to produce FAIR data.
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