Room for everyone’s talent – towards a new balance in the recognition and rewards for academics

14 September 2020

A change is urgently needed in the way universities recognise and reward their academic staff. Research achievements have long determined academics’ career paths, and this dominance is becoming increasingly at odds with reality.

‘Recognition and rewards’ criticized 

Within the universities, KNAW and NWO, the initiative has been taken to critically scrutinize the current system of ‘recognition and rewards‘. The aim is: more room for diversity in careers, visible recognition of the value of collaboration in teams, recognition of the importance of social impact, and organizational talent – just to name a few examples. Ultimately, all of this will affect the way employees – but also, for example, their project proposals – are assessed

In the meantime, the KNAW, together with the universities, has made a start on this plan, ‘Room for everyone’s talent: towards a new balance in the recognition and rewards for academics‘. The first step that will be taken is a short survey among all academic and scientific support staff (including collections) of the KNAW.

Open Science

A change in the way universities recognize and value their academic staff is badly needed. Research achievements have long determined the career path of scientists and that dominance is increasingly beginning to rub off. New developments related to Open Access and Open Science also place different demands on today’s scientists. The approach to complex scientific and social issues requires more cooperation. An objective of the new plan is therefore to encourage scientists to make the results of scientific research accessible and to share them with society. DANS underlines the importance of Open Access and Open Science.

More information

Read the plan ‘Room for everyone’s talent: towards a new balance in the recognition and rewards for academics‘ (.pdf) online. 

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