17 April 2024
Social Sciences and Humanities
FAIR and Open data Collaborations
We are happy to present a new updated version of the ODISSEI Portal. In this new version of the Portal we implemented a first prototype of the so-called Data Access Broker (DAB). In addition, more information is available, for instance through ELSST, to improve the search results. The ODISSEI team also worked on a Dutch translation of the user interface. With this new version we introduce an even more user-friendly Portal for the social sciences community. We are happy to explore the different new features and what they mean to you as a user.
15 April 2024
Social Sciences and Humanities
The DARIAH Annual Event this year will take place in Lisbon (June 18-21) and is on the theme “Workflows: Digital Methods for Reproducible Research Practices in the Arts and Humanities”. Registration is now open until June 4th for what promises to be an exciting event in the digital humanities domain.
10 April 2024
Social Sciences and Humanities
FAIR and Open data Training & Outreach
Do you manage datasets that require access restrictions? Who would be allowed to access these data? Under what conditions do you grant access? ODISSEI and DANS have designed a survey that aims to find out more about common practices in selecting and managing data access restrictions, and their underlying motivations. We would really appreciate your input!
8 March 2024
Social Sciences and Humanities Archaeology Life Sciences Physical and Technical Sciences DataverseNL
On 6 March 2024, MLCommons (an Artificial Intelligence engineering consortium) announced the release of Croissant, a metadata format to help standardise machine learning (ML) datasets. The aim of Croissant is to make datasets easily discoverable and usable across tools and platforms. This is highly relevant in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) tasks on FAIR data sustainability and important for Linked Data in general.
1 March 2024
Social Sciences and Humanities Life Sciences DataverseNL
Collaborations Tools
On 20 and 21 February, the QUANTUM project kicked-off in Brussels to officially launch the start of this EU-funded data project. Within the scope of the European Health Data Space, QUANTUM will develop a quality and utility label for health data, to be used by organisations generating and hosting health data, as well as organisations providing access to health data.
22 December 2023
Social Sciences and Humanities Archaeology Life Sciences Physical and Technical Sciences DataverseNL EASY
FAIR and Open data RDM Collaborations Training & Outreach Consultancy Tools
In the dynamic landscape of research data, 2023 proved to be a year of remarkable developments for DANS. From the launch of Data Stations to participation in international projects, here’s an overview of the highlights.
11 December 2023
Social Sciences and Humanities Archaeology Life Sciences Physical and Technical Sciences EASY
From 11 December 2023, it will no longer be possible to deposit data in EASY. Researchers, groups of researchers and data professionals can archive and publish their data in one of the four domain-specific DANS Data Stations. There is a Data Station for Archaeology, Social Sciences and Humanities, Physical & Technical Sciences, and a Data Station for Life Sciences.
15 November 2023
Social Sciences and Humanities
FAIR and Open data Training & Outreach
The BY-COVID project’s second Annual General Assembly took place in Barcelona on October 9-10. DANS co-organised the workshop ‘GDPR – common challenges when mobilising data’, aiming to gather experiences, challenges, and solutions to GDPR-related issues when mobilising data for infectious disease research.