
The why, what, and how of de-identifying research data. In a new blog post on the ODISSEI blog, Deborah Thorpe (Research Data Management Expert at DANS) and Ricarda Braukmann (Data Station Manager at DANS) look at the need for de-identifying data. They give insights on why you would need to de-identify data, what ‘anonymisation’ is and how you can de-identify by exploring a number of tools available.

Join us in The Hague on 14 November 2024 for the DANS Open Day! This event offers a great opportunity to dive into Open Data and Open Science, with lectures from top experts, interactive workshops, and an Open Market where you can engage with our team.

Explore the full programme and register now to secure your spot!


More and more research data are generated using sensing technologies, such as data from drones, GPS trackers, or sensors on the human body. These sensor data offer new opportunities for research, but also bring their own specific problems and challenges.

On 22 October, the fourth edition of the National Open Science Festival will take place at Maastricht University. The festival will be a gathering for and by the Open Science community, with opportunities to (re)connect with each other and a variety of interactive sessions. DANS will host two sessions that day.

On June 6th, DANS organised the online workshop ‘BY-COVID Spring 2024 Baseline Use Case Workshop: Integration of individual-level socioeconomic data for infectious diseases research and prevention in Europe’, together with BY-COVID project partners IACS and Sciensano

CoreTrustSeal is looking for new members for the 2024-2027 CoreTrustSeal board. If your organisation is a member of the CoreTrustSeal Assembly of Reviewers you are eligible to nominate a candidate for the board. Nominations must be made before September 1st, 2024. 

The question of who ‘owns’ or is responsible for research data is regularly raised. The recently released LCRDM report ‘Data Sovereignty, Data Governance and Digital Sovereignty’ provides insight into this topic and offers tools and recommendations to navigate its complexity.

2024 marks the 10th anniversary of the Digital Research Infrastructure for Arts and Humanities (DARIAH) becoming a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC). To mark this occasion, a video has been made looking back at important milestones and achievements of this first decade and looking forward to DARIAH’s second decade.