New in EASY: Citizen perspectives

24 March 2021

In early March, the Dutch dataset ‘Continu Onderzoek Burgerperspectieven 2019 – COB2019’ was published Open Access. Via EASY, the dataset can be viewed and used.

The purpose of the Continu Onderzoek Burgerperspectieven (COB, Continuous Research on Citizens’ Perspectives) is to give an impression of the changes and constants in the personal, political and social opinions of Dutch citizens. For this survey, polls have been conducted every quarter since 2008. Focus groups are organised in the even quarters and follow-up telephone interviews in the odd quarters to discuss the situation in the country, answer a few survey questions and explore one or more themes in greater depth. In the fourth quarter, an additional panel survey was conducted among participants in previous polls. In addition, in the fourth quarter of 2018, the sample was supplemented by an additional sample of young people. The survey was conducted by SAMR Smartagent Marketresponse among members of the SAMR panel.

The dataset ‘Continu Onderzoek Burgerperspectieven 2019 – COB2019‘ contains a number of interesting themes, including: Public opinion on integration, Moral issues, Concerns about healthcare and Trust in information sources.

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