The guidebook aims to give an overview of the challenges associated with making qualitative data reusable as well as providing guidance on how reusability can be improved and addressed at all stages of the research data life cycle.
There is also a decision tree included that researchers and data stewards can use to evaluate the options for making qualitative data reusable that are most suited for their projects. In addition to discussing traditional options for open and restricted access, the guide also focuses on alternative options like making data available for decentral reanalysis. The concept of decentral reanalysis was piloted in the CaRe & DaRe project and will be further developed in the OPEN-QUAL project that DANS is also participating in as a partner.
The guide was prepared in the context of the CaRe & DaRe project and using the results of a brief survey amongst data stewards that we conducted earlier this year. The survey results were used as guidance and we included some of the tools and methods that were mentioned in the survey in the guidebook.
The guidebook and decision tree are both available on Zenodo.