FAIR and metadata: conjoined twins! A workshop on FAIR and (geospatial) metadata.

15 June 2022

To reach a common picture on how FAIR and metadata are connected and what guidance can be given to properly provide metadata in order to claim your (spatial) data are FAIR, the Netherlands Geodetic Commission (NCG) organises a workshop for scientists and data stewards working with geospatial data. The workshop shall take place in the afternoon of the 7th of July at the WUR Campus (Omnia building) in Wageningen.

One of the often neglected properties of data is the metadata. Not that no one is saying it isn’t important, but mostly because it’s just less exciting compared to the data itself. However, data without metadata is useless. Difficult to find, unclear how to access, unclear to understand its origin and structure and therefore difficult, if not impossible, to re-use. Proper metadata increase the usability of data a lot, but only if it is put together in the right way.

The workshop “FAIR and metadata: conjoined twins!” focuses on administrative, descriptive and structural components as parts of metadata especially within the geospatial domain. Participants will be put to work to assemble the full picture of metadata with the aim of being able to create FAIR data.

Special attention shall also be provided to structured management of metadata. For example, how to deal with metadata already kept in all kinds of places (think of archives, GDPR, within local networks, etc), and the challenge to make this centrally available.

Speakers from different data domains shall present the insights and experiences in the field of standardisation practices, how metadata are being dealt with across disciplines and the underlying technology from those different perspectives.

Participants shall collaboratively collect input and ideas from their experiences on how to get a common view of FAIR and metadata, specifically for professionals dealing with geospatial information. DANS is part of the organising team, as member of the NCG committee “Geo-Information Infrastructure”. The workshop is part of the DANS training activities at the national as well as European level.

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Cees Hof Ph.D.

Data Station Manager Life Sciences & Physical and Technical Sciences