Just like the previous edition, the festival provides researchers the opportunity to learn about the benefits of various open science practices. DANS will be present at the ‘Marketplace’, where DANS staff members Kim Ferguson and Ricarda Braukmann will tell you all you want and need to know about data management and answer any questions about storing data FAIR.
Loek Brinkman, also a DANS-er, represents the Dutch Open Science Communities (OSC-NL). These grass-roots communities of researchers believe that the transition to open science can only take shape when the researchers themselves are involved in the transition to Open Science. At the marketplace, they want to showcase the communities to stimulate researchers to join their local OSC, where they can learn from their peers to put Open Science to practice. OSCs also make themselves known to stakeholders in the Dutch science landscape, to provide input for Open Science policies, services and infrastructure.
The Marketplace can be visited from 12:00h – 12:45h.
Practical session: Discovering data with the help of the ODISSEI-portal
In addition, Ricarda Braukmann, together with Angelica Mainere from ODISSEI, will host a practical session on the first version of the ODISSEI Portal. They will show this version to the Open Science community to gather feedback on the interface and the search functionality, with a view to improving the user experience.
After a short introduction about ODISSEI and the ODISSEI Portal, participants will have time to explore the portal and search for datasets themselves. The rest of the session is dedicated to discussing participants’ impressions and suggestions for future improvements to the interface and functionalities of the portal.
Please note that participants should bring their own laptop if they wish to use the Portal, which requires an Internet browser and connection.
The session Discovery of data using the ODISSEI Portal is from 13:45 – 15:30.
Register now for the National Open Science Festival and make sure you are there! You can register via this link: