As part of the FAIRsFAIR project, DANS together with its partners PANGAEA and DCC, have developed an online self-assessment tool to educate and raise awareness of users on making their data FAIR before depositing it into a repository.
The new tool called FAIR-Aware consists of 19 assessment questions and covers all aspects of the FAIR principles. Tips are available for each question to help users understand the issues covered and how they can make their data FAIR. In the next version of the tool, additional guidance will be provided on the specific areas where users’ awareness is not sufficient. With this guidance, users will be able to improve the FAIRness of their datasets before depositing the data in the DANS data repository or a repository of another provider.
Currently, the beta version of the tool is being tested. The development team is collecting feedback from users to make it even more user-friendly and relevant for our stakeholders.
More information
For more information on the context in which the FAIR-Aware tool is being developed, please visit the FAIRsFAIR project website or contact Linas Čepinskas (DANS). In the section on FAIR certification you can learn more about the development of the tool, including assessment and evaluation of data repositories as well as assessment evaluations of individual datasets.