Also in NARCIS: environment

5 June 2020

World Environment Day, hosted by Colombia this 2020, is the most renowned day for environmental action. Since 1974, it has been celebrated every year on 5 June: engaging governments, businesses, celebrities and citizens to focus their efforts on a pressing environmental issue.

For example the publication ‘De weg naar een duurzame landbouw is nog lang‘. This article discusses the results of a study into sustainable agriculture. The study shows that agriculture still has to make great strides towards sustainability.

View the publication ‘De weg naar een duurzame landbouw is nog lang‘ here

Another example is the publication Outstanding environmental issues. A review of the EU’s environmental agenda‘. 

The report evaluates the state of the European environment and the effectiveness of European environmental policy. The report concludes that European environmental policy in recent decades has led to investments in the economy that have also benefited people’s health and nature. However, the environment in Europe continues to demand attention. This is especially true for climate change, loss of nature and air pollution in urban areas.

View the publication ‘Outstanding environmental issues. A review of the EU’s environmental agenda‘ here 

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