
We are pleased to invite the research support community, policymakers, and researchers to our upcoming Open Day on 14 November 2024.ย Join us for an insightful event dedicated to promoting Open Data & Open Science and its principles.

Every two years, the Dutch Data Prize is awarded to an individual or team that makes research data FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable).It’s now possible to nominate a dataset.

The aim of the project was to prepare for the establishment of a center of competence in the field of preservation and conservation of historical monuments and archeological sites. In December 2023, the 4CH project, which had a duration of three years, was completed. The results are now accessible.

To protect archaeological heritage, the European Archaeological Council (EAC) has published archival guidelines for archaeologists.

On 6 March 2024, MLCommons (an Artificial Intelligence engineering consortium) announced the release of Croissant, a metadata format to help standardise machine learning (ML) datasets. The aim of Croissant is to make datasets easily discoverable and usable across tools and platforms. This is highly relevant in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) tasks on FAIR data sustainability and important for Linked Data in general.

DANS wishes you a merry christmas and happy newyear

In the dynamic landscape of research data, 2023 proved to be a year of remarkable developments for DANS. From the launch of Data Stations to participation in international projects, here’s an overview of the highlights.

From 11 December 2023, it will no longer be possible to deposit data in EASY. Researchers, groups of researchers and data professionals can archive and publish their data in one of the four domain-specific DANS Data Stations. There is a Data Station for Archaeology, Social Sciences and Humanities, Physical & Technical Sciences, and a Data Station for Life Sciences.

Regularly, while curating datasets, we come across gems that deserve to be highlighted. This certainly applies to the dataset containing a geomorphogenetic map of Nijmegen-North, the Netherlands, which is available in the Data Station Archaeology. This map reveals the palaeogeographic and soil data of the area and offers a wealth of information.