4CH project has been completed

22 April 2024

The aim of the project was to prepare for the establishment of a center of competence in the field of preservation and conservation of historical monuments and archeological sites. In December 2023, the 4CH project, which had a duration of three years, was completed. The results are now accessible.

In this project 3D techniques play an important role. Those can be used to monitor or reconstruct cultural heritage. DANS’ role in the project involves designing training facilities that support the competence centre and preparing recommendations regarding the management, access and use of digital cultural heritage assets like 3D datasets.

As part of the project, in June 2023, DANS organised the workshop “Shaping the world of 3D” in which creators, users and managers of 3D research datasets based in the Netherlands and Belgium came together to reflect on how to make such datasets better reusable and preserve them in the long term. Together we identified the current ‘state-of-the-art’ and actions needed. You can read more in the workshop report with roadmap

Through the 4CH project website, the results of the project can be accessed. You can for example read what our recommendations are for managing digital cultural heritage assets, such as 3D data, in a FAIR way, or what we advise regarding training. The 4CH project partners, including DANS, are working to further shape the developed ideas and plans.

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