Discover the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)

Event date:

12 October 2023

Location: DANS office, The Hague

DANS and SURF invite you for a one-day workshop to introduce the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and its place in the Dutch research landscape. This training will provide participants with an overview of the current developments in EOSC and how these developments influence aspects of the Dutch research landscape and research data management.

The workshop will involve a number of practical demonstrations, as well as introducing participants to existing EOSC resources such as the EOSC Portal and the Knowledge Hub. In this way, participants will be able to tailor the use of EOSC to their research(ers’) needs. This workshop is intended for data stewards, librarians and Open Science advocates. 

The workshop will be hosted at the DANS office in The Hague (right next to the Laan van NOI train station). It will be delivered in-person, in English, and coffee and lunch will be provided. 

We have reached the maximum number of participants for this workshop. Put yourself on the waiting list by sending an e-mail requesting to be put on the waiting list.

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Kim Ferguson Ph.D.

Research Data Management Specialist