Dataverse Train-the-Trainer event

Event date:

6 September 2022

Location: Online

In September, DANS will be organising a train-the-trainer event on using Dataverse as an archive or discovery platform. The event is part of the CESSDA training activities and targeted at data stewards and data managers working at (CESSDA) archives or institutional repositories using Dataverse. We especially invite professionals providing training in the use of Dataverse as an archive or discovery platform to join us. The number of

About the event

After a short overview of Dataverse as a tool to archive and discover data, participants will be guided to create their own workshop to train researchers in the use of Dataverse.

We will provide example materials from Dataverse user guides, as well as from the CESSDA Data Management Expert Guide that trainers can re-use to tailor their training to their specific audience. Example workshop outlines will be discussed and we will spend time on practical guidance in organising your event to effectively engage your audience.

Preliminary programme

  • 10:30-10:45 Welcome
  • 10:45-11:15 Background on Dataverse
  • 11:15-11:20 Break
  • 11:20-12:00 Session 1: Example materials and outlines
  • 12:00-13:00 Lunch Break
  • 13:00-13:45 Session 2: Breakout session to work on your own workshop design
  • 13:45-13:50 Break
  • 13:50-14:35 Session 3: Planning and troubleshooting
  • 14:35-15:00 Wrap-up


Background on Dataverse – Ricarda Braukmann (DANS)

The day will start with a brief recap of Dataverse as an open source research data repository software. We will discuss how Dataverse can be used to archive and find data, as well as reviewing the functionalities of Dataverse that you may also want to highlight in your own training.

Session 1 Example materials and outlines – Ricarda Braukmann (DANS)

This session will provide an overview of existing training materials that you can use to build your own workshop. Two workshop outlines will be used as examples: “Using Dataverse for Data Archiving” and “Using Dataverse for Data Discovery”. We will showcase existing materials from the Dataverse community as well as from the CESSDA Data Management Expert Guide (DMEG).

Session 2: Work on your own workshop

In breakout groups, you will have time to think about your own workshop based on the outlines and materials discussed in Session 1. You can explore available materials that you may want to reuse, and discuss your workshop ideas with other participants and the trainers.

Session 3: Planning and troubleshooting

This final session will address different planning considerations with a handy planning checklist that can be adapted for your own use. We will wrap up with a troubleshooting session where you can share your own experiences as well as go through some hypothetical scenarios and discuss potential solutions with other participants.


  • Ricarda Braukmann | DANS
  • Kim Ferguson | DANS

More information

Registration is open until August 19th, 2022. Places are limited. Participants will be contacted with Zoom details and materials in the week before the event.

The event is supported by CESSDA training and MK DASS – The Macedonian Social Science Data Archive.

Registrations for this event are closed, but if you would like to be put on a waiting list please contact us through Ricarda Braukmann –


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Ricarda Braukmann Ph.D.

Data Station Manager Social Sciences

Kim Ferguson Ph.D.

Research Data Management Specialist