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Global Research Data Alliance meeting: 9-12 November
3 November 2020
The 16th plenary meeting of the Research Data Alliance will take place 9-12 November 2020. The theme of this plenary meeting is “Knowledge ecology”. DANS is also involved.
As usual there is an attractive programme about “all things data”. DANS staff participate in a couple of sessions:
10-11: Cees Hof will share his thoughts and (EOSC) experiences concerning domain-specific data management plans (DMPs) at a Birds of a Feather session around the introduction of an RDA Working Group onDiscipline-specific Guidance for DMPs. 10November, 05.00 – 06.30 UTC.
11-11: Ellen Leenarts has been involved in the Interest Group of minimal and extended metadata for learning materials that will be presented in the session Creating and connecting data training ecosystems of the Education and Training on handling research data IG, 11 November, 12.00 – 1.30 UTC.
9, 10, 11 November: Ricarda Braukmann is presenting a poster on pidforum.org – the global discussion platform on Persitent Identifiers (PIDs) established as part of the FREYA project. Poster sessions UTC 8:00-8:30 pm.