Rise, become popular and be forgotten: that is the fate of any file format. Want to learn how to make predictions about the lifecycle of file formats in an e-repository? And how do you know which stage of this life cycle your files are in? In this workshop, DANS-er Valentijn Gilissen will take you through the results of the study Monitoring Obsolete File Formats. You will also get to work with the results yourself. The workshop, given in Dutch, is free but registration is required.

At national level, the French Ministry of Research has developed a platform: Recherche Data Gouv (RDG). It has been designed to support research teams in their work of structuring data to make it easy to find, accessible, interoperable and reusable, in other words, in line with the "FAIR" principles. The "FAIR Implementation Workshop - French Data Management Clusters" will present the French data management clusters who aim to be close to research teams so they can provide researchers with initial expertise in rational research data management. Registration is free but mandatory.

Work on knowledge infrastructures of the past decade has shown that infrastructures are central to many crucial types of knowledge about climate change, human migration or biodiversity. They are also important in supporting diversity and pluralism in knowledge production. But how can knowledge infrastructures best be evaluated?

More and more surveys are conducted both qualitatively and quantitatively to approach complex issues. During this online lecture, the added value of this and the challenges you may encounter in doing so will be discussed from various angles. For example, how do you ensure good cooperation between quantitative and qualitative researchers? In which research areas can mixed-methods research offer an appropriate solution? And what innovative ways are there to shape mixed-methods research? SCP, Sciensano (Belgian public health research centre) and I&O/Ipsos will share their experiences. This lecture will be held in Dutch.

At National Research Software Day, researchers, policymakers, Research Software Engineers and community leaders are invited to come together to celebrate the power of collaboration and community for quality research software.

We will look into the possibilities for sharing and reusing data when doing qualitative research. Ricarda Braukmann, data station manager at DANS, will present the guidebook and decision tree that she and her colleagues have created to assist their researchers in this matter. We will also give the floor to researchers to share their success stories and/or challenges when trying to open up their research. Our goal is to discover which approach qualitative researchers could follow to adhere to the Open Science principles.