The NPSO is organising an online lecture afternoon on Synthetic data, to address the philosophy and practicalities surrounding this type of data. Synthetic data has taken off in recent years as a solution to the limitations of using micro-data. By creating artificial respondents supplemented by survey data through modelling, answers can never be traced back to individual patterns. And non-respondents can also be properly represented in research this way. Is synthetic data becoming the new data standard?

IASSIST 2023 has a specific focus on the future of Research Data Management and how this field is constantly change and evolving. Therefore the theme for 2023 is “Re-imagining the future of Research Data Management” and various workshops will be organised around this theme. DANS is a proud sponsor of this event.

If you are considering applying to the FAIR-IMPACT second open call for support but have questions, this workshop will provide an informal opportunity for potential applicants to ask the team any questions you have about the support actions, eligibility, and the application process.

27 - 31 October | How can we release the transformational power of information research and translate our findings into positive difference to how lives are lived? To achieve positive change, we need to consider what processes are effective in developing new ways of working with information, appreciate the challenges of translating excellent research into excellent practice and policy, and understand how to evaluate the difference we have made to the lives of others. As the premier international conference in the field, the ASIS&T Annual Meeting is a forum to assist in addressing these issues as we continue to push forward the positive contributions of information and technology.

For those just getting started on their FAIR-enabling journeys, FAIR-IMPACT provides dedicated guidance and one-to-one support to successful applicants from our three key stakeholder groups to self-assess their current capabilities and to develop FAIR implementation action plans: National Levels Initiatives, Research Performing Organisations, Repositories and Data Service Providers. Successful applicants will receive one-to-one support with dedicated mentors. Apply before 1 November, 17:00 CET.

Building on the successful Synchronisation Force workshop 2022, the workshop aims to discuss common challenges and priorities related to turning the FAIR principles into practice. The workshop takes place as a series of six virtual sessions between 2 November 2023 and 8 February 2024, with the five core sessions between 27 November and 7 December 2023. Invited to this workshop are selected, key FAIR representatives of projects and initiatives in the EOSC framework.

ODISSEI, the research infrastructure for social science in the Netherlands, connects researchers with the necessary data, expertise and resources to conduct ground-breaking research and embrace the computational turn in social enquiry. This conference seeks to bring together a community of computational social scientists to discuss data, methods, infrastructure, ethics and theoretical work related to digital and computational approaches in social science research.

In this event, the experts of CESSDA show how the Data Management Expert Guide (DMEG) offers information you need to answer the questions typically occurring in a Data Management Plan (DMP).