During our training events, we often discuss with our audiences, primarily data stewards and other research support staff, what sort of information researchers need and what sort of questions they have. Over time, we have naturally encountered similar ones across audiences and events. We decided to collect these questions and publish them on our website, along with our support and guidance, as a point of reference for researchers, data stewards, and other support staff facing the same challenges. In this list of frequently asked questions, you will find questions like: “What is FAIR and why should I implement it? Which DMP template should I use? How do I decide where to publish my data?”.
With our brand new FAQ, we provide a starting point for finding the right answer for you. The page includes many links to further useful information, recommended tools, and resources to help you along. You will see that many data professionals face the same kind of challenges and questions, and that a lot of (inter)national work is being done to provide support on these matters. By bringing all this information together, we translate our expertise into practical support that will help you find your way in the research landscape.
Click here to go to the FAQ.
If you have a question regarding research data management, FAIR data, or open science, please contact us – perhaps your question will be the next to appear in the FAQ!
If you have questions that are more specifically related to the DANS Data Stations, have a look here.