Wim Hugo, Chief Technical Officer at DANS: “Within this project, SURF, IISG and DANS want to make sure that FAIR research data is available within the virtual research environment of researchers, initially focused on research communities ODISSEI and CLARIAH. We do this by integrating data services at a national level, such as services for moving data to and from storage facilities, version management services and ‘local’ analysis tools. Services that ensure that researchers are facilitated as nearby as possible in the sharing and reuse of research data. Security and long-term data preservation are main elements. The project is an extension of the NWO report ‘Excellent research requires excellent infrastructure’, which recognizes the growing need of Dutch researchers for digital infrastructures. The extra funding from the KNAW will help us at this project, and also underlines the importance of our work to us. We are therefore very pleased with this funding from the KNAW.”
About KNAW research fund
The KNAW research fund provides funding to KNAW institutes if the project enriches the Dutch knowledge landscape with one of the following components: a stable and responsive environment for high-quality research, a sustainable environment for making heritage widely accessible, unique collections and large-scale infrastructure and/or a stimulating environment for the development of scientific talent and interdisciplinary cross-fertilization.
More information
Please contact Wim Hugo for more information.
On the KNAW website you can find more information about this KNAW Research Fund.