Retrospect on RDA 20th plenary session
From the 20th to the 24th of March members of DANS attended the 20th plenary meeting of the Research Data Alliance (RDA) in Gothenburg, Sweden. Attendance at the plenary gave DANS the opportunity to engage with the outputs of the range of active RDA working groups and interest groups, to network with international data experts and to advance key projects led or supported by our organisation.
For example, the FAIR-IMPACT project, which is coordinated by DANS, held a co-located working meeting and presented key progress thus far on PID policies, Semantic Interoperability, and global alignment of FAIR frameworks. DANS staff members also chaired a session for the EOSC Future working meeting, a project in which it is an active member. Finally, DANS co-hosted an interest group meeting on the CODATA/RDA Schools for Research Data Science, an initiative that it strongly supports.
While the 20th plenary was attended in person by participants from across the globe, many also joined online. This hybrid structure not only increased engagement opportunities, but meant that all talks and sessions were recorded and will shortly be available to the public. A Post-Plenary workshop will also be held online on April 20th, where key takeaways from the Plenary will be presented, and next steps discussed (info and registration available here). A key take-home from the plenary is the ongoing work in developing the FAIR data landscape and the innovations occurring around the world in all disciplines.
The benefits of belonging to an international, interdisciplinary community such as the RDA are well-recognized by DANS. Attendance to plenaries offers DANSers the opportunity to keep up-to-date with current developments across the data landscape, to participate in the emergence of new ideas and to showcase our organisational expertise. It is also a great opportunity to make new friends, see the sights and try out local delicacies!
About RDA
The RDA is a community-driven organisation working to advance excellence in all data lifecycle stages, to engage data producers, users and stewards, and to address data exchange, processing, and storage. Since 2013 it has provided a neutral social platform where international research data experts meet to exchange views and to agree on topics including social hurdles on data sharing, education and training challenges, data management plans and certification of data repositories, disciplinary and interdisciplinary interoperability, as well as technological aspects.
DANS has been a supporter of the RDA since its inception, and many DANSers are active participants in working groups, interest groups and community management structures. At the moment, DANS staff members co-chair the RDA council, the RDA Organisational Assembly, the Brokering Framework Working Group, and the CODATA/RDA Schools for Research Data Science. DANS staff members are also working to grow the RDA membership from the Netherlands, and co-hosted a very successful coffee meet-up for all Netherlands-based participants at the plenary.
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