Letter about the sciences OCW: open science becomes the norm

26 March 2019

In the science letter ‘Curious and involved – the value of science’, Minister Van Engelshoven (OCW) announces three ambitions for Dutch science for the coming four years. “Open science” is frequently used in this science vision and policy.

Besides an explanation of the financial incentive for science via the National Science Agenda, the sector plans and a joint venture to build the largest radio telescope in the world, the letter identifies some other great opportunities as well. One of these is the new Horizon Europe framework program with open science as the norm for all components. Within open science, “reusing research data” is mentioned as one of the main points. DANS, of course, stands fully behind this.

Peter Doorn, director of DANS: “Reusing data has been part of DANS’s mission for years. Researchers can deposit and search data using the DataverseNL services and the EASY online archiving system. The DANS service NARCIS provides insight into how many scientific publications in the Netherlands are open access publications. For example, in 2018, of the 88,617 publications available through NARCIS, 44,429 publications were available open access. That is approximately 50%. It concerns both journal articles, dissertations, conference papers, reports, etc.”

“The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is also mentioned in the science letter. The EOSC should make it easier for researchers in Europe to share and combine data, including across disciplinary boundaries. DANS participates in various projects within the development of the EOSC. For example, within the FAIRsFAIR project, DANS contributes to the development of FAIR data (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable), quality standards and open science policy. ”

More information

On the website of the Dutch government the full science letter van be found (in Dutch). If you have any questions about DANS services, please contact DANS.

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