DANS encourages research data to be “as open as possible, as closed as necessary”. The DANS Data Stations therefore offer the option to share data files under restricted access. With this access setting, data files are only accessible to a user after an access request has been approved by the data owner.
To help data owners through the process of publishing restricted access, we have developed a guidebook to supplement our manual for depositing data.
The Guidebook – Depositing Restricted Access in the DANS Data Stations, outlines what to consider when selecting restricted access. Importantly, the guidebook also contains a template for a Data Access Protocol (DAP) which can be used to specify the conditions for access. We see a DAP as a valuable addition to the documentation of a dataset because it provides a structured and concise overview of how and under what conditions a dataset can be accessed.
The guide and template were created with community feedback from ODISSEI and from the COORDINATE project, but more feedback is very welcome.
To continue this work, ODISSEI and DANS have launched a survey about data access conditions. The goal of the survey is to gain knowledge of common practices to better understand and describe the access conditions that are applied to restricted access data. We would really appreciate your input. Click here to go to the survey.