DANS present at the OpenMR Benelux 2019

24 January 2019

The first OpenMR Benelux took place on January 16, an Open Science event for researchers working with Magnetic Resonance (MR) data.

The day was filled with various presentations about Open Source software for data analysis, metadata standards for documenting and sharing MR data, as well as personal experiences with Open Science. Cees Hof and Ricarda Braukmann from DANS were present to talk about the role of sustainable data archives, such as DANS. They presented an overview of the Dutch and European Open Science activities focused on the Life Sciences and gave practical tips for researchers to make their data FAIR.

More information

More information about OpenMR Benelux can be found on the website.

The slides of all presentations are available online. The presentations have also been filmed and the DANS presentation can be found online here.

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