The CEDAR project (2012-2016) focused on converting the Dutch historical censuses (1795-1971) dataset from Excel spreadsheets to Linked Data, publishing them on the Web, and harmonizing their variables so that they could be queried in a combined way through space and time.
In this academic year inaugural colloquium, Albert and Ashkan will first focus on the previous efforts on improving access to the Dutch historical censuses dataset (1795-1971), and the challenges this brings. After this, they will reflect in the two major outcomes of the project: data, and tools. The data includes two different versions of the harmonized historical censuses as Linked Data, that culminated in a submission to the Dutch Data Prize. The tools include up to six different standalone services that, besides their usefulness for CEDAR, have found users elsewhere. With some remarks on the workflows of data sharing, publication and archiving, the talk will follow a very practical style aiming at showcasing useful resources.
More information and registration
The colloquium will take place on September 1, 15:00-17:00, at DANS (The Hague).
See for more information on the project the CEDAR website and our projects page.
Please register here, using our online form.