Cessda webinar: poverty researchdata

25 October 2018

With Eurostat estimating that in 2015, 119 million people, or 23.8% of the EU population, were at risk of poverty or social exclusion, poverty remains an important research topic in the context of Europe. Hosted by the CESSDA training group, this one-hour webinar will explore data available for researching poverty and its impact.

The free webinar for anyone interested in data for research on poverty will take place on 13 November, at 15:00. The webinar will include three presentations and there will be time for questions. 

First, Jen Buckley (UK Data Service) will briefly introduce the types and sources of data available for researching poverty including information about how to find and access data from European social science data archives. 

Emilio De Meglio (Eurostat) will then focus on Eurostat’s rich data sources including microdata from the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC). 

Finally, Professor Christos Papatheodorou (Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Athens) will discuss the potential and challenges of working with data relating to poverty based on his experience of researching poverty in Europe.

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