A milestone: 700,000 open access scientific publications in NARCIS!

1 August 2019

Thanks to the many researchers and repository managers in the Netherlands, 700,000 scientific publications are now open accessible via the scholarly portal NARCIS!

Among the 700,000 open access publications are 287,000 journal articles, 140,000 reports, more than 82,000 dissertations, 29,000 conference papers and 21,000 book parts. The publications come from Dutch universities, KNAW, NWO and other scientific institutions, such as RCE -Archeological reports, Naturalis Biodiversity Center, TNO, RIVM, NIVEL, WODC and HBO Kennisbank (26 universities of applied sciences), in total 37 institutions.

NARCIS also gives an overview of more than 1.25 million scientific publications that are not open access, but that are also accessible to the academic world via the institutional library.

In addition, more than 230,000 data sets can be found via NARCIS. These research data come from 15 data archives, including EASY from DANS, The Language Archive, 4TU.Centre for Research Data and Wageningen University & Research Center.

NARCIS also provides an overview of 70,000 research descriptions, 61,000 researchers (including all professors and associate professors) and 3,000 research organizations.

More information

For questions and reactions regarding NARCIS and the open access publications, please , senior policy advisor DANS / NARCIS.


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